American Agri-Women (AAW), the nation's leading coalition of women in farming, ranching, and agribusiness, Supports Congressman Jim Costa (CA-21) for Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee for the 119th Congress.
AAW President Rose Tryon said “Congressman Costa has always made time for those of us visiting the hill from the agricultural industry. He is willing to listen to our concerns. He and his staff have shown their understanding of various complex agricultural issues”.
As a lifelong farmer and a veteran member of Congress with over 18 years of service, Congressman Costa’s district encompasses parts of Fresno and Tulare counties, representing a wide array of commodities, production systems, and rural communities. This experience allows him to understand the complexity of the American agricultural system and nutrition programs. His focus has been crafting balanced solutions and supporting producers and rural communities. He understands that food security is national security.
AAW remains committed to promoting fair regulations, reducing red tape, and ensuring that rural voices are a priority in national policy discussions. As always, American Agri-Women stand ready as a resource to help shape agricultural policy and secure the growth and success of U.S. agriculture for generations to come.
About American Agri-Women
American Agri-Women (AAW) promotes the welfare of our national security through a safe and reliable food, fiber and mineral supply. Since 1974, AAW members have worked together to educate consumers; advocate for agriculture; and offer networking and professional development opportunities. For more information, or to join, visit Find AAW on social media at: and
Media Contact:
Chrissy Wozniak
VP of Communications